Originally delivered on 2/11/2024 10:22 pm

SUBJECT: The Wildcat Weekly - Feb. 12th News

Week of February 12th ❤️

Monday, February 12th - Day 5

AIM ALERT!!! Watson students will be treated to a laser light show to celebrate Black History Month. The brilliant laser light show will take them on a musical journey through history highlighting the profound contributions of African Americans to our culture.

Tuesday, February 13th - Day 6: PTA Meeting @ 7pm in Watson Gym

Wednesday, February 14th ❤️❤️❤️ - Day 1: Blizzard of Kindness - Wear your best clothing showing symbols or words of love & friendship.

Thursday, February 15th - Day 2

Friday, February 16th - Day 3: Ice Cream Friday 🍦

Bring Someone You Love Dance (flyer attached!) for 3rd & 4th graders 

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